Event Calendar

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


Start Date: 3/19/2024 11:00 AM MDT
End Date: 3/17/2024 1:00 PM MDT

Venue Name: Keg Steakhouse

2515 Dewdney Avenue W
Regina, SK  Canada  S4R 8R2

Organization Name: CAFA Regina

Brendon Fornwald
Email: brendon.fornwald@backswath.com
Phone: (639) 590-8328

 Trent Klarenbach of Klarenbach Research. Trent leverages his expertise in Technical Analysis strategies to provide informed predictions on market trends and price movements. His comprehensive approach involves a meticulous study of the market's history, current trends, and future projections, empowering clients to make well-informed decisions about their grain marketing strategies. Serving as the publisher of two highly regarded newsletters, the Klarenbach Grain Report and the Klarenbach Special Crops Report, Trent brings a wealth of knowledge to the world of market analysis.

RSVP Brendon.Fordwald@Backswath.com

Contact CAFA

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm (CST)

Phone: 204-381-6313
Toll Free: 877-474-2871